Werewolf Costume

Werewolf Costume

The “Big Bad Wolf” Werewolf Costume takes on a whole new kind of transformation, bringing the half man half monster to new heights. Wicked and intricately crafted, this werewolf costume delights in the horrors of the night with its sharpened fangs, coarse long hair, and eyes that peer soullessly into the depths of its victims. Whether for Halloween or for a new movie set, make this werewolf costume a part of your collection, as it’s crafted by artists and designers inspired by the creatures of the night, both on and off screen.

This studio quality werewolf costume features hand-laid fake hair, movie quality latex for durability and support, hand-painted designs with intricate colors, and a custom flannel shirt for authenticity. This costume comes with the mask, feet, and hands to be easily worn during the full moon. Transform yourself into the werewolf you envision yourself to be, scare your friends, and howl away into the night.

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